Dance YYC Showcase 2022 Spotlight: EDJE Dance Theatre
Images of EDJE Dance Theatre by Paw Brown Photography
Check out EDJE Dance Theatre’s piece by getting your tickets here:
Dance YYC Showcase Weekend!
What was your inspiration or starting point for the piece you’ll be presenting at the Dance YYC showcase?
We are presenting an excerpt of a larger work that is inspired by the transcription of a German witch trail in the 1600’s and compares the persecution and control of women in modern politics and the continued weaponization of witch hunt mentality.
Share a moment that stands out from your rehearsal/creative process.
The gift of time was an incredible factor in this process, and we shared so many moments of play and inspiration because of this luxury. Many thanks to DJD for the creative residency and Canada Council for the research and creation support, and Pivot Consulting for making it all possible!
Who has influenced you as an artist/choreographer/performer/rehearsal director?
Frantic Assembly, RashDash, DV8, Crystal Pite, kloetzel&co., W&M Physical Theatre
Why are you looking forward to the 2022 Dance YYC Showcase?
We are looking forward to connecting with the community and the unique opportunity the Dance YYC Showcase provides for sharing space with other artists!