Website Services

  • Usability Report

    PRICE: starting at $50

    Gain a deeper understanding of your website’s usability. This report is an indicator of your website’s is effectiveness and the navigation efficiency from the users' point of view. Your report will include a summary, test results, findings and recommendations. Can be combined with a Design Report.

  • Design Report

    PRICE: starting at $50

    Through identifying goals for your website we’ll help make it one that promotes pleasant accessibility for all potential users. Your report will include a summary, findings and recommendations. Can be combined with a Usability Report.

  • Web Design

    New Website starting at $500

    Need help starting a website from scratch or updating your current website? Experienced with template based web designs (Square Space, Wix, etc.) and HTML5/JavaScript coding!

    Existing Website starting at $100

  • Web Management

    PRICE: starting at $75

    Perfect option if your website requires continuous updates and looking for an budget-friendly website manager!