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Kizomba Dance in the PARK

  • St. Patrick's Island Park 1300 Zoo Road Northeast Calgary, AB, T2E 7V6 Canada (map)

Every Saturday until last weekend in September 4-8pm.

We are just going to show up with a speaker and dance. Free event.

An unusual situation is developing where the traditionally lead heavy kizomba community of Calgary has started to have an abundance of follows. So if you are a lead come out to balance things out, and invite your friends!

By attending the event, you acknowledge that dancing is a close contact partner activity that comes with risks of possible exposure to covid.
You waive the organizing company and any of its directors and/or employees from any liability in regard to covid exposure, as well as any other attendees.
Do not attend if you have been exposed to covid in the past two weeks, or if you have any covid-like symptoms,
You fully consent to the following if you attend this event.
I understand the above symptoms and affirm that I, as well as all members of my household, do not currently have nor have experienced COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days.
• I affirm that I, as well as all members of my household, have not been diagnosed with COVID- 19 within the last 14 days.
• I affirm that, to my knowledge, in the last 14 days I have not been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
• I affirm that if I travelled outside of Canada in the last month, I isolated in my home for 14 days upon my return
• I understand that its a close contact dance that will involve a close physical contact, there may be an elevated risk of disease transmission, including COVID-19.
• I understand that this business and any of its employees cannot be held liable should I experience exposure to the virus or any other contagion as a result of my providing misinformation.
If a potential COVID-19 exposure occurs at this business, I consent to provide my name and contact information to Alberta Health Services for the purpose of contact tracing.
By coming to this event, I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved and give consent to close partner

EVENT BY: Afro-Kizz Me - @afrokizzme

September 2

DJD Rooftop Pop-Up

September 8

VibeTribeYYC Beginner/Inter