Event by Contact Improv Calgary
a 3-day Laboratory in Contact Improvisation
with Margarita Kozhevnikova
Friday, Sept 30, 2022 - 7pm-10:00pm
Saturday, Oct 1, 2022 - 11am-6pm (Potluck 2-3pm) + Jam 6-9pm
Sunday, Oct 2, 2022 - 11am-7pm (Potluck 2-3pm)
$245 (CAD) - Regular Price
Tye Bentor - +1(403)471-5759 (What's App or Telegram)
Margarita Kozhevnikova - +7(919)963-3653 (What's App or Telegram)
Laboratory in Contact Improvisation
Recently, through the practice of perceiving embryological spaces through touch, meditation and letting go of the known forms in Contact Improvisation, I've been questioning what is body, where are its beginnings and endings and do they even exist. My interest lies in the field of allowing direct, non-conceptual experiences that are ever-evolving to exist. How not to expect for familiar patterns to be repeated? How to try not to build them? How to be open to the direct aliveness? This laboratory will be diving into the unknown that will challenge the notion of Contact Improvisation, movement, body, self and another.
The format of a laboratory will allow to transcend already known answers and allow new questions arise out of them. Hopefully, the fresh and clear state of curiosity itself will accumulate energy to further fall in love with movement and simply being.
- How can I allow a friendly and benevolent space to be constantly appearing? A space that I want to be in again and again?
- What does it mean to create and uncreate spaces? Spaces that I move with, move in and move as?
- What is doing? What is being?
- What is that field of ever-present movement that is not born and never dies? What movement exists before the following occurs: thought, sensation, feeling, perception, awareness, impulse, tension, action?
- What is body boundary? Where is it? Is it outside or inside?
- What is outside? What is inside? (Inside and outside of what? What creates that boundary?)
- Where does body end and space begin in a direct experiential way?
- Where does my space end and the space of another begin? Can that be created, transformed, disregarded, let go of, added to?
- Can we create non-physical "body parts" out of space in empty air? Can we create them in our selves, in another? What does that do to the quality of movement?
- Where does my body end and body of another begins? Who and what decides that?
- What is space, conciousness, no-thing-ness, perception/non-perception, source of no-source and generative aliveness that animates life force that makes us, space and movement itself move?
- What if Contact Improvisation is not about listening to each other but about sensing that we are already one space?
- What if space is everything and it is always changing? How does it change movement as a solo, as a duet, as a group?
Margarita Kozhevnikova is a somatic movement specialist and educator. She facilitates group and one-on-one embodiment experiences for people. She has received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dance from University of Calgary where she developed as a performer. In addition, she holds a post-graduate certification in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis. She has been studying Contact Improvisation, dance, movement and somatics since 2008 with teachers from Canada, USA, Europe and Russia. Since 2014 she has also been regularly meditating and attending meditation retreats. Over the past eight years she has also continued her studies to improve her touch skills using methods like:
- touch for somatic and movement repatterning
- classical massage
- myofascial release and integration
- presence touch
- embryology and touch
- experiential anatomy
All of these approaches guide Margarita's exploration in Contact Improvisation. She has also used Steve Paxton's "Material for the Spine" and classical fitness to help people develop their solo practice in preparation for movement with duets and groups.
Contact Improv Calgary: https://www.facebook.com/groups/contactimprovcalgary/