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Swing Night

  • Reids Distillery Logan Avenue Toronto, ON Canada (map)

Event by Shraddha Pai Music and Jackie Spicer

Come to Toronto's East End for a night of joyous swing dancing co-hosted by Reid's Distillery and East Side 6 Dance!

Featuring the playful and cosmopolitan sounds of Shraddha Pai and the Prismaticks, the band brings two sets of swing music guaranteed to keep you on the dance floor.

Join us for a beginner's swing dance lesson at 7pm taught by East Side 6 Dance, followed by the live band from 8 - 10 pm. No experience or partner is needed.

Reid's Distillery
32 Logan Avenue
Toronto, M4M 2M8
Easily accessible by car, bike and TTC.

August 19

Saturday Night Swing features The Savoy Band! Beginner Lesson & Dance!

July 26

Bhangra Dance Night