5Rhythms Toronto and Layah Jane - 5Rhythms dance - heartspace productions
CoMotion ~ The Dance of Relationship to Self, Other, and Collective
A 5Rhythms Movement Class Series with Layah
Wed Jan 11 - Wed Feb 8 (5 weeks)
Roncesvalles United Church, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto
5Rhythms® is a dynamic movement meditation practice – a map for awakening and embodying our creative capacity to meet all that moves through us, and all that we move through. There are no steps to follow in this improvisational movement methodology. Instead, we show up, tune in and move what is alive in us.
Our experiences on the dance floor mirror our experiences in life. How do we connect and disconnect from ourselves, and each other? How do we hold ourselves back, and throw ourselves in? How can we participate more fully in the solo, duet, and ensemble choreography of our lives?
Dancing the 5Rhythms, we have the opportunity to witness ourselves in relationship. We can practice being with ourselves and each other, in all our fumbling, and fabulousness. What are the ways that we abandon ourselves, and how do we bring loving care? What is it like to reach out to each other, while still being connected to our authenticity? Are we able to share our selves in community - offering our unique gifts to the greater good?
Let’s gather, let’s get down, let’s grapple, and let’s give thanks. Let’s dive into this dance, feet first, heart whole, and soul-filled. We’re in this together.
Every body, and all movement experience is welcome.
Classes within this series will build upon each other, allowing for continuity and depth of learning. While registering for the full series is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged.