NextGen Dance Film Festival 2022 Spotlight: Bri Zubick


Check out Bri’s film project by getting your tickets here:
NextGen Film Festival Tickets

 " Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."

Martha Graham 

What draws you to dance film making?

While growing up I was only ever exposed to the works of my home studio choreographers. What draws me to dance filmmaking is the opportunity for dancers to see and discover new movers and choreographers. Inspiring new generations of dancers and connecting with even more art loving humans is what draws me to dance film making.

Choreography vs Improvisation? Which do you prefer and why?

In my artistic process choreography and improvisation go hand in hand! I typically start working a new piece through a couple improv sessions with the piece of music I am using. From there I film myself and pick and choose parts that are working and continue to develop them!


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