Dance YYC Showcase 2022 Spotlight: Sunny City Swing
Check out Sunny City Swing’s piece by getting your tickets here:
Dance YYC Showcase Weekend!
What was your inspiration or starting point for the piece you'll be presenting at the Dance YYC Showcase?
This piece was prompted by our troupe members asking to work on slow dancing! Slow Lindy Hop is often considered harder than fast dancing as mistakes are more easily visible, but it also is very difficult to make movements look good when they are done slowly. We worked a lot on connection and continuous motion, imagining we were dancing in honey and that everything was gooey and delicious.
Who has influenced you as an artist/choreographer/performer/rehearsal director?
Not so much a matter of who but of what. I have tried, watched and absorbed so many different dance styles that I try to retain elements from each to bring a new/fresh perspective to the world of swing. I always get inspired when going to shows, most often Ballet, Contemporary or Swing in my case, and I always bring a pen with me for when that moment of inspiration hits and I want to jolt down ideas for new moves/feelings/grooves to try in my next piece. For this exact reason, I cannot wait to see what Dance YYC Showcase will inspire next.
What is something you wish you knew before pursuing a life in movement arts?
A lot of us wish we knew the costs and importance of allied health professionals such as physiotherapists/osteopaths, etc to help our bodies